Tuesday, November 14, 2006

And three makes...Five?

Adjusting to life with three kids has been surprisingly easier than I had initially anticipated. I expected more maulings to poor Olivia and to be feeling somewhat more fatiqued than I do right now. I mean, yes, it has only been a week since we first left for the hospital and I'm probably still running on straight adrenaline. That said, I feel fantastic. As fantastic as one can feel after pushing a melon sized being through an orphus normally shut tight. That and my chest now has an additonal ten pounds of weight hanging, oh-so-attractively from it.

Olivia is an absolute angel. Of all my babies thus far she has been the quietest and sweetest and most perfectly behaved. And my other two weren't difficult either. Sometimes I worry that possibly this could be due to the fact that she does have a minor heart defect but the health nurse said I just may have been blessed with an easy baby. I'm holding my breath tho. She may just be waiting for the right time to spring her "true personality" on me. Regardless of what she turns out to be like I'm so far head over heels already it really won't matter. As Dustin would say "we are smitten. So full of smit."

It probably is a good thing that Olivia has been so good to me this first week of her life because her older sister has gone and decided that now would be an ideal time for her to pull out all the stops and just stop obeying us completely. I believe my day yesterday afternoon consisted of over two straight hours of the worst screaming and tantrum fit she has thrown yet. Good times. Oh right... and then she did it again when we put her to bed. I apologised to Olivia ofr not bringing her into a more peaceful household. She was gracious enough to brush it off and snuggle into my neck. Thankfully today Megan has been a little better. Well, she certainly couldn't have gotten much worse anyways. I think it really does help to make sure that she gets some one on one attention from both Dustin and I. Poor Megan, I think she's realizing she doesn't own the show anymore. And she no likey!

I hope I don't paint a poor picture of the reality that is Megan, because although she can push us past our limits of human sanity, she is still just a precious little girl trying to make sense of her confusing world. She is very sweet and loving to Olivia if not her parents and when she chooses to do so, she is wonderfully obedient and willing to please. And it does help that she's beautiful and adorable beyond measure. But, Lord grant me wisdom and patience or somedays I just might throw her out the door.


Elizabeth said...

I think that you are such an amazing mom, Christy. I can't wait until we next get to snuggle your kiddies... all three of 'em!

D said...

Two words: Burlap Sack

Anonymous said...

I hear you on Megan's current confusion. We had that with Belle when we brought Brooklyn home. It lasted about three weeks and now she just wants to help all. the. time. Getting diapers, helping to change them, trying to pick her up, telling us to be quiet while Brooklyn is sleeping. I don't think it can get anymore adorable. One day the switch will just flip and you and Dustin will sit there in a pile of amazed smit.

Vicki said...

Congratulations Christy, you have a beautiful family of 5! As far as reading about Megan...I thought I was reading about my Kayla. I went through and have been going through bouts of the same thing. It's so hard for them, they just both became the 'middle child.' That said, those tantrums are awful to deal with. And they are so cute and helpful when they're not throwing them, it almost makes you forget. She is a cutie, that Megan. Well, so is Ben. And Olivia. Like I said, beautiful family.

nelly said...

hang in there sweetheart, you did the same thing and look how perfect you turned out!Love always and foever Mom

Robyn said...

Oh I remember that with Bec when Emily was born (although she was 3 and I think Megan is a bit younger isn't she?). Bec LOVED Emily and didn't take it out on her at all but she responded to the upheaval in her little life by challenging us in every other way. HARD going when you're sleep deprived. If it helps, it didn't last too long...I hope Megan is feeling more settled and compliant soon.
Thats a gorgeous pic of the two babies by the way! :)

karen said...

When our Ben was born, Sarah was still the harder child. Harder than a newborn, and I couldn't believe it. And she still is. She and Megan could give each other a run for their money, I think -- maybe we shouldn't leave them alone together in a room! Or, maybe they'd get along famously! Anyways, Sarah pushes us too, past our human abilities -- way past -- but... that's kids for ya, right? You love them to death as they drive you to crazy!! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say, the thought of handling 3 kind of scares me! I admire those who do it, and only hope that the good Lord gives me the strength I'll need if I'm ever in that situation one day! I guess he won't give me MORE than I can handle, but somedays I think He does try to push my limits so I'm forced to rely on Him more!

Take care, you are a brave, brave mom in my eyes...easy baby or not!