Friday, November 17, 2006

From bad to worse.

As previously mentioned, when I returned home after my Summerland hiatus my husband had to some serious facial hair. By facial hair I mean really bad, scraggly, patchy attempt at facial hair. Dustin has never been able to grow a nice full patch of facial despite a few pathetic attempts. Although this time around he managed to fill it out a little better. I realise they're out of order but I thought you might find these pictures of Dustin as amusing as I did. Especially the first one. So sick. I think he's trying to give Tom Sellec a run for his money. I'm just glad he prefers himself cleanshaven.


Ally said...

Ewww creepy! Thanks for shaving, Dustin. The Hitler 'stach really wasnt workin for ya.
Its amazing how a little facial hair can totally change how a person looks.

Robyn said...

Hehehee, Paul is currently growing a mo and goatee for a fund raiser and its driving him nuts. I think we'll both be glad when he can shave again! I don't mind other people having facial hair but its very strange on my own husband!
Dustin looks very feverish in that top shot.

Jen said...

I am SO glad that those were backwards. I thought they were the progression. I couldn't believe Dustin was walking around looking like that first picture!

Anonymous said...


Elizabeth said...

Justin says "That's terrible" but really, I think he's jealous! We do sooooo badly want to visit. But, I think that we won't be free until the 15th, 16th of December.... are you free, then?

Kaili said...

That's funny! I thought the first one was a glued on! haha!

Susie said...

Dana is always changing up his facial hair- sometimes it's good and sometimes it's just wrong.

Congradulations on new baby. Olivia looks so sweet and I am glad to hear that you are doing well.

Swabeys said...

Gary says isn't this the same guy he saw on a French gay magazine on the magaqine stands. The final pic that is.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

D said...

That'h hilariously nasty! I can't wait to show Matt.

Anonymous said...

That first pic is a seriously realistic Charlie Chapman impression! He should be that for Halloween next year!

Vicki said...

That's funny, that you have pictures of the progression. It's like keeping track of a pregnant belly...but not nearly as beautiful:)

Anonymous said...

I just threw up a little in my mouth. That 'stache is startlingly disturbing.
God riddance, Bush Man Heigh! :)

Becky said...

Thats pretty gross. At least Dustin shaves regularly for you! It takes about 3 weeks of nagging for Trav to shave. And he pulls the same joke every time. He shaves one strip up his neck and says "there, do you like it??" But he's still cute. Oh and would you blog already?? I want to see my neice grow up!! Its been forever!

Anonymous said...

Christy, even though Dustin is good looking........i am really SICK of seeing his face everytime I log on to your Blog,which is probably everyday since Olivia was born. SOme pictures PLEASE :)))

Anonymous said...

Enough of the creepy man - we want an update!