Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The other two that stole my heart.


Elizabeth said...

We LOVE those kids!

Ashley said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures!

Jen said...

Gorgeous pics of the other kiddos!

Poetsch Family said...

Awesome pics, I also like your new background. Hope all is well with your new little bundle.

Rebecca said...

Christy and Dustin
Congratulations on your little Olivia! What a great name! Sounds like you guys are getting a hang of the whole L&D thing. You are so blessed that she came 3 weeks early. I am praying for ours to come into our world next weekend, hmmm - Saturday afternoon after a good sleep, a girl, and under 7 lbs. I like small babies. My due date isn't until Dec 7 though....I could tough it out, I feel pretty good, but anytime now would be great. Congrats you guys - kids are such a blessing from God!