Both Dustin and I have grown up in families where we were very loved and cherished and honored. So, I think it's easy for us to just follow suit and carry on that idea into our own house. You live what you know. You know?
I'm finaly feeling like I'm in the "Christmas Spirit". As in, i'm feeling somewhat prepared and not totally anxious about the holidays. I think it helps once the tree is set up. Even though I love the look of a uniform tree with pretty decorations like something straight out of Martha Stewart. Dustin prefers the traditions and memories of Christmas rather than just "finding something that looks nice". So this year (and last) Dustin and Ben hiked up into the bush and sawed down our own REAL tree. This year I think Dustin made it his goal to chop down the LARGEST tree they could find. I know we have a vaulted ceiling honey but...seriously! When I first walked in the door to witness this beast I was taken aback by it's monstrousity. It stoo in the middle of the living room, large and obtuse and looming over everything. It's branches touched each of our couches on both sides of the room. YIKES! However once we trimmed it down and rammed it into a corner it does look pretty good. I must say though that even though I went out and bought more decorations and lights the tree just seems to swallow them up in it's enormity. I could go out and buy some basketball and hang them on it and that might look more in proportion. Hopefully I get a picture on here soon. To prove this to you. Although you may find that I'm a bit of an exaggerator. I come by it honestly though. My mom is the ruler and Queen of all who exaggerate. Sorry mom, but you know it's true.
So, we now have our giant tree and I'm slowly stocking the freezer with goooodies. (As Nacho Libre would say it). By the way are Dustin and I the only ones who found that movie DANG funny? it seems everyone else found it rather lame. Which it is. But DANG funny. Man I'm the queen of sidetrack today. As I was saying...I now feel like I'm ready. Christmas...
Also, I'm throwing a question out there into the void and vastness that is the internet. What is your favourite Christmas tradition? And what do you like most about Christmas? We're wanting to start some traditions of our own and I'd love some good ideas to bring the "warmth and cheer of the season" into our home.
Cinnamon buns Christmas morning! And this year we're going to start making Wife Saver too :)
what? me exagerate? thats totally imposible! i have never in my whole entire life ever exagerated! ( ya right! I am working on it though)nice to hear from you girl, sounds like you're ready to take on the world. Wish we could join you thid christmas I'll miss you tons!!!!! Mom
Yo think I don't know a buttload of crap about Chreestmas....but I dooooo.
We always had appies on Xmas eve (mozza sticks...score!)and opened one gift (usually new pjs) and watched a Christmas movie.
Yay for baking (thanks for letting me do some taste testing for you).
My favorite holiday tradition is the shopping trip I take with my dad each year. Each year since I was about 7 or 8 my Dad and I have set aside a specific day to get all the christmas shopping done for my mom. This is a great time for us to spend father/daughter, as it seems that is hard to do sometimes. And also it insures that my Mom gets some good loot. Since initiating this tradition she has been saved from numerous pairs of duck socks, tools, sweaters that even grandma would cringe at and a number of rank smelling perfumes. Dad doesn't do it all wrong but always needs a little help.
I haven't lived at home for a number of years now but that hasn't stopped us. We make arrangements for that day months in advance I look forward to it each year.
This might not be the tradition you were talking about but it truely is full of fond memories.
My favorite tradition from growing up was reading the bible about Jesus' birth before opening all our presents... It really started the mood off right, and not all about material things. But last year I slept at the Fletcher's and it was really fun waking up at 4 or 5 am and and running upstairs to the tree. Baking with you & mom was definately a highlight too. Save some of your yummy baking for when I come!! Anything you want me to make & bring??
We unwrap our special "Christmas jammies" on Christmas eve, then hand our stockings. Eggs benny for Christmas morning...We go out into the woods and chop down a tree, fun fun stuff!
Okay- had to comment on this. Our family (the kids) really love the tradition of setting up the Christmas Village with lights. They like to then put on a show with the pieces. this year it was "Reindeer Idol" and the poor little reindeer statues were made to lip synch to the kids versions of "I will Survive" etc... Now that's a tradition worth carrying on.
I loved Nacho Libre too...could that guy's mouth have BEEN any huger? Awesome, I really wanted him to hook up with the big chick at the end though. Don't know why. :)
I love how in my family we go Caroling every Christmas Eve and we get into our "traditional Christmas fight" - dad starts way too high or starts singing the wrong song all together, Mum tries to get us to go to more houses than we agreed on, blah, blah. It's not even a fight anymore, we just do it because it's what we do. Then we go home and Mum and I get the snacks ready while everyone else frantically writes the poems that they forgot to write ahead of time and finally we gather around the tree with our munchies for much fun and laughter.
And hello, Chloe is an absolute doll! Say hello to Brad and Danielle for me!
we watch National lampoons family Christmas movie and find it halarious every time, but you might not want to start that one till the kiddies are older.
Can't wait to see pics of the tree it sounds fabulous! My favorite tradition is the family Christmas picture. It's such an event to get everyone into something nice, drive to a studio instead of doing it ourselves and inevitably a story comes up having children. My very favorite part of Christmas. And 'opening' stockings is my favorite part of the actual day. My hubby also thought Nacho Libre was hysterical. I made him go with people who would appreciate it so he would truly enjoy himself. I'm not so into Jack Black.
I can verify that your mom is the biggest exaggerator in the whole entire world.:) Anyway, what I love about Christmas is our Kids Christmas parties we used to have, remember Christy?? And also unwrapping presents. We sit all cozy in the living room and read the Christmas story, and then we play Boney M Christmas (because it is the best Christmas CD and Ive listened to it since I was a fetus) and unwrap gifts. So fun!! Making and eating croquettes and oliebollen was awesome too!
I LOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE Nacho Libre...and "I need to borrow some sweats." It is the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. "Remember that time when everyone was chanting my name and I used my powers to rip my blouse?"
My Mom started buyiing an inexpensive small present($10) to open at the christmas dinner table, we call them table presents. This tradition is awesome because it carries over the excitement all day...more to come so to speak....
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