Saturday, October 13, 2007


I am inspired by photography and after being encouraged by so many many people, we have decided to take the necessary steps to the beginnings of our own photo business. I'm not too sure where to begin with all this and I'm fairly certain that this process will be a number of years in the making but I'm very excited to take these steps forward to pursue my dream.

Obviously because I have little experience in the business side of things I'm still rather tentative about cost and how much time I'll actually have to put into this but a person needs to start somewhere. My dear friend Ange whom I'm sure many of you read really encouraged me not to undervalue myself either. She's so wise like that. Must be the over 30 thing. JUST KIDDING! Actually I hear the thirties are pretty great. And if I can look half as good as her when I'm in my 30's I'll be a happy woman.

Back to business. Literally. So, I've been talking about business names with my inspiring hubby and he asked me what it is about photography that I love so much and how do i want to portray that in a business name.... Well.... I feel that photography should be more than just taking a pretty picture. A good photo should be real, raw, it should invoke emotion. It should tell a story in a sense. Be inspirational. I've bee trying to achieve those things in my photos. This is why I REALLY prefer on site photography and I REALLY dislike posed studio photos. You know the kind. Put your hand on the shoulder here, tilt your head a little here, smile without showing you teeth here. Blah blah blah.....Gimme a break and be real! Show me some real emotion. Sheesh. That said, I think we've pretty much decided on Emblem Photography. It is a name associated with storytelling. It's about a symbol. Which is in a sence what a photo is. A symbol, a captured moment in time that wil remind you of that time in the past. Who you were, who you loved, what you felt. So, all you people out there...Can I take your picture? Amanda and her fun family got to be some of my first guinea pigs. See......?

Are you as excited as Avelyn?

Me too.


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

If I lived in Canada or near you, I'd definitely hire you! You are an awesome photographer. I'm thinking along those same lines here...starting a business (not immediately, but I'm mulling it over) so go for it!!! You have a real talent and I think you should use it. Also, Love the pictures of Amanda and family. They are awesome!!! You go Christy!!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you for taking the steps to make your dream a reality. Thanks again for letting us be your models. Anytime, sista. Any time!

Brad and Samantha said...

Come to Moose Jaw.. please... and Brad and I will hire you to take our picture! :) Your work is amazing.. you really know how to capture the perfect picture! All the best in your job pursuit!

Dating said...

If I live closer to ya I'd definitely would let you take my pictures for me :) You're fabulous!!!

Janice said...

Thats totally AWESOME!!!! Justin has been encouraging me to do the same but i have been to scared to (we also just started a sign business so it is pretty busy)
I know it will go well, you are really amazing at pictures and then the editing after! Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Hi, I come here by way of Angella and Amanda's sites and just wanted to say Congratulations! I love to see people living out their dreams. And it's very inspiring for me to read this as I've been considering a career change that will also involve photography. I think Emblem photography is a great name. Avelyn looks like she is bursting at the seams with excitement for you!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are amazing and I wish you nothing but the best in getting your business off the ground. And the pictures of Amanda's beautiful family are just incredible. I hope they frame every one!

Anonymous said...

If you're this talented now, you are going to BLOW MY MIND when you finally reach thirty :)

These are amazing! Can't wait for my turn!!!

Bloggy Mama said...

Good for you, Christy!!!
Your shots are terrific and I know that you will do a great job! I hope to see you soon!

karen said...

Love the pictures Christy!

And, you will do great with a business!

Anonymous said...

Bring all your equipement when you come with your hubby next month. We were just discussing getting family portraits and getting photos from you would be even better because your photos are not just photos, they're truly ART. And because I can see the love that pours out of you in every photo. And because as your friend I cannot wait to support your business.
I'm so excited.

PS, I think the name is perfect.

Becky said...

Chris you are amazing. I can't wait for you to take our pictures at Christmas time!

K said...

Christy- I dont really know you, but I just wanted to say a few things. On my blog I have a staement written that reads, " Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our guft back to God." You are so incredibly gifted in the way that you capture a moment on film like not many people can. Good luck with the new venture. We are future customers.

Joyce said...

Yay! Congrats! I will definitely hire you the next time I'm in your neck of the woods. I know you'll be a huge success!

Jen said...

Amazing pics! Good for you for starting up a business. :)

Anonymous said...

These photos are amazing. You are a true talent! :)

Stephanie and Brad said...

Just a thought- i like the name. There's a place here in Wollongong that's called 'Blue Flame Photography'. Obviously they have never lived with a man who farts a million times a day. what a bad name. Anyways, yours ia good name! like I said in another place- I'm excited for you.

Ashley said...

I am soooo excited for you! So excited in fact that when I saw on Amanda's blog that you were going into business I almost fell off my very unsafe computer chair. Haha, good thing Corey was behind me.
We both said we'd love to come back up there right now and hire you. You've got quite a talent. Your photos exude so many emotions, both those of the subjects and the ones we feel are coming from you.
Way to go and good luck!!

Super Sarah said...

Congrats! Your pics are beautiful and I love the name.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are gorgeous! Let me know if you and your camera are ever in the Southern U.S. :)

Roz said...

You are a natural. You will no doubt be successful with your business.

Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Allison said...

Beautiful. All of it is beautiful! You can take my photo any day :-) (Iowa's a long ways from Canada...)

Bethany Pearce said...

YAY! Christy - I'm so happy that you are doing this... and I don't even know yoU! But seriously, your photos are probably the best I've ever seen. Congratulations Girl!

Bethany Pearce said...

I just sent you an email - so check your junk mail because I'm probably not on your contacts :)

Amanda Franks said...

That's so awesome! I hope it's a smooth journey and I'm sure God will bless it as you bless others with your gifts!

Lisa said...

I wish you lived closer to Red Deer so you could take our newborn pictures! Good luck ~ you'll do well!

Poetsch Family said...

Those pics are great. Congratulations on starting your business. You are very talented. I love all of you pics.

Anonymous said...

I am so stoked for you!!! Yes, yes, have it girl. I know everyone who has an expensive camera thinks they are a photographer...but that ain't true. You just get it, you know how to draw people out, you have a great eye for composition and your editing is so natural, not over the top. I know you can do this and it is better to start small than to take out a massive loan to get killer equipment. Just slowly upgrade your lenses...that is the key...great lenses! The rest can not be taught. If you have questions about business stuff, email me. I am not sure how it works in CA, but I can share what we have to do in the US. I know we don't know it all and our still learners in many rights, but I will be happy to help in anyway.
Give the name will come to you, like tiny little seahorses floating all around you....tee hee. High Five for real girl!

Anita said...

Hooray for you...interested in doing some more family pics in a couple of weeks??? You are truly gifted...those pics of the Brown family rock! You have certainly captured their life!!

Kerri said...

Hey! Next time you're up in the loops or we're down your way we'd love you to take family pics of us! Any chance of you guys coming up soon?

Janice said...

Christy you are a talented photographer and I am delighted for you that you are taking this step! have fun!