Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas vacay Part III-being a photog

As mentioned previously i had a few photoshoots lined up over the holidays but being the Christmas season a few of them fell though. But, I did manage to get the opportunity to photography my sister and her hubby. I won't post them all on here as they will go up on Emblem's site. But, I'll give you a little taste of what's to come. I also wanted to share a few pictures of my good friend and neighbour Tianna and her baby Danai taken before Christmas. In fact Tianna even took the first two after I had adjusted the settings for her. Not too bad eh?

Olivia is quizzical. I imagine that she is thinking...

Why are YOU holding that big black clicky thing? Isn't that my mom's? I'm so confused...

Here's Danai and her mommy. So cute.

Here are the photos of my beautiful sister and her handsome man. Oh...and their adorable little yorkie Chloe.

Tis all for my Christmas. Now for the New Year.

Bring it!


Becky said...

They look amazing, Chris! I'm going to copy them right now and put them on Facebook. Love 'em!

Bloggy Mama said...

Niiice. I like the scarf one. Nice hair, Becky!!

Angella said...

Sweet shots!

Do you get tired of me saying that?

Didn't think so :)

And way to go Tianna!


Vicki said...

Great pictures (you have a sweet gene pool).
Can't wait for our turn!