I don't really know what wrong with me lately but I really want puppy. Maybe it's a subconscious cover for me really wanting another baby but everytime I see a puppy or Amanda brings Rolo over I just want one. The kids LOVE dogs and they're way better than cats. Trust me. We had a cat once for a few months and then after we moved it ran away and we never really tried too hard to get him back. I know it's horrible. But the thing was totally litter box retarded. It did poop in there but when he went to bury it he would do so with such vigor and determination he'd end up spraying litter ten feet across the room (literally) and continue scratching at the plastic bottom even though there was no litter left to be pawed. I Even thinking about it makes me annoyed. Stupid cat.
I know that puppies, like children (and cats) come with thier own challenges and whatnot. Chewing shoes, pooping on the carpet, howling at night for thier mommies. So pretty much exactly like children. So, I figure I can dig it. Besides. They're SOOOOOOOO cute. And I want one. And I will have one. I just have to convince my husband. Any advice on dog breeds that are great with children. I can handle a bit of shedding, as long as it's gentle and fun and friendly. And doesn't poop on the carpet as much as my kids do.
Christy, you NEED to get a puppy! They are worth every pee puddle on the carpet and every steaming log they leave on the couch (maybe other dogs don't do that, but Rolo did!). Rolo and your puppy could be best buds and we could take them for walks. It would be grand. :)
you should definately get a puppy!! I love dogs. Remember Bud dragging us around on our rollerblades when we were with the deGroots? Labs are so good with kids. Other than that, I dont know what kind you should get. but get one!! Love ya!
I love Golden Retrievers, but we gave ours away, so it just goes to show how poor I am with dogs. Kids DO love them, though!
There are always free ones to adopt!
Labradors are great with kids, we always had them growing up and we would ride on their backs and stick our fingers up their noses and they'd love it. Plus they are the cutest dogs ever.
Well, as you know we have a dog. A little yorkshire terrier whom we love very much. Although the bigger dogs are best with children it seems that they are a lot more work than smaller ones. They need a lot of excercise. Vet bills & food expenses are greater & I'm not aware of a large bread with hair that doesn't shed. Marlene bought a book that was really good for selecting dogs. "Dogs for Dummies" or something. There was a page on each kind of dog & it said whether or not the dogs were good with children. It said that our dog would be yappy, hyper & bad with children but he isn't yappy, he isn't hyper & he is good with children that he knows. I think it just comes down to what the little guy is used to & how much work you put into training him. Also, our little guy is hypo-allergenic (he doesn't shed). He has one coat like us humans. His dog food costs about $12 every three months or so. We love him. Get a dog.
puppy or BABY?
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