This winter because my family has dispersed themselves over two provences with a great deal of space between them my parents decided to book a cabin in Golden. A sort of mid way meeting ground. For four days and three nights nine adults and four children are going to squeeze themselves into this beautiful home. Well, during the day the boys will be skiing and snowboarding and the girls will just have to take turns. I can't wait. It will be so fun to have my family all together. Not to mention in such a beautiful setting. It has even more rooms than I posted too. And surprisingly it's really not even that expensive!
It should be interesting this time because all the kids will be there. Last winter we all went to Mexico WITHOUT the children. Except for Cadie cuz she was still in Amanda's tummy. I'm really excited to have a holiday with the kids. It's will be a blast. I wonder if Ben would be able to try skiing or if he's too young. Maybe we'll have to stick to tobogganing. So, I was so excited about this trip I just had to post about it. And make all you out there jealous. Hee hee.

WOW christy, that looks absolutely beautiful. You guys are definitely going to be spoiled and totally deserve it. I hope you guys have an absolute blast and most of all enjoy the time with the family!
Christy, please - the guys can take turns taking care of the kids too! What's this girl stuff. I ain't putting up with being left behind by the guys. They can take turns too!
I'm so excited!!!!
It looks gorgeous I bet you'll have so much fun, I'm glad we're going to Disneyland or I'd be seriously jealous
One of those bedrooms is painted an accurate colour: Green. Because I am GREEN with envy! Hahahahahahaahahahahahaaaa!I am so punny. And lame.
Yay!! I'm so excited.. You forgot to mention the HOT TUB!! we will be needing that after our long days of 'boarding!!!!
P.S. I'm sick of plugging in the stupid word verification!!
WHAT!??? There's a hot tub!!! I didn't know that! Oh yeah!!!
Oh yeah, And just deal with the word verification. I haven't gotten one spam comment because of it!! I must admit, it is annoying. ebxglb yourself!
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