Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lord of the Flies!

Imagine my surprise when I awoke one morning to the thunderous buzzing of this creature in our kitchen windowsill. It is truly the size of a loonie and is gross beyond any words I could ever use to describe it. i was to freaked out to release him. He might breed and create millions more of these giants beasts to come torture me on a daily baisis, flying into my hair and carrying my children away. And yet,I could not bring myself to the sickening crunch of of his death beneath the largest wad of toilet paper EVER! And so, after many days of dereasing buzzing and struggling he nows lies deceased on the bottom sill of my kitchen window. Am I satisfied?Not really. Now I have to dispose of the thing. I shudder to even consider it. I shall perhaps wait until the master bug disposer comes home at lunch.


Anonymous said...

We have flies. They land on me. Makes me feel like a pile of dung.

Anonymous said...

That is the biggest fly I had ever seen!

D said...

Last fall we had these HUGE beetles flying in the windows (no sreens on this rental) and chasing me around the house. If one landed I would put a glass over it and leave it there until Matt came home from work. One day there were four upside down glasses scattered about waiting for him to come home.

He wasn't impressed by the way.