Friday, August 31, 2007

We Like to party.... We like to party party

As previously mentioned, yesterday was my big Ben's birthday. And because we love him. We threw him a party. Not just a party. A partaaaaaaaaaay! Those are the best kind. Bear with me. I took alot of pictures. I like to take A LOT of pictures.
Like these of the birthday boy...

And this one of bums and feet.
We made sure we brought along all Ben's peeps.
This is Ben's BFF Graham's baby sister Emily. She's so cute.
And Ben's sometimes not so favourite sister. Megan. Look, she is WORKIN IT!
The ever popular daddykins.
Megan's BFF Teigan. There needed to be another girl around for her sake.

Ben's role model who he follows around like a puppy. Samuel.
Emily again. i couldn't resist this one. Her eyes are incredible. Blue eyes photograph with such depth.
BFF#3. Liam. He's getting prepared to unleash his fury on the battle ground with his water balloon.

This is Ben in all his furious battle rage.
And what's a party without a SpongeBob pinata? This is what ultimately brought us up to partaaaaaaaaay status.
Poor Sponge Bob here is being violated before he releases unwillingly the contents of his bowels.
The scramble for the goods. I mean gooooooodies.

And the post party swim. Don't WORRY people we waited a half hour before we jumped in! Not really but who goves a rip?

Nathan here wishes you a good day. Really he would he's that kinda guy. He'd even throw in a hug AND a kiss. What a sweetie.

We had cake too but i haven't edited those yet. Maybe tomorrow. But, don't hold your breath.
Have a good last day of August!


Anonymous said...

You really SHOULD GET PAID!!


Mama Bear said...

Fun partaaaaaaaaay!
Happy Birthday Ben!

Angela said...

Looks like the party was a blast! Love the photos! Quick question for you....what photo editing program do you use? I just got a new digital SLR (Nikon D80) and I'm looking for some feedback on good programs to play around with my photos with.

Anita said...

once again...your pics are amazing...really you should give us all a course!!

Joyce said...

my comments are always the same on your must be bored of them...but really...your pictures are soooo good!

karen said...

Christy, I will PAY you for lessons. I am serious. :)

Happy Birthday Benny!