Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bush boy....and girl.

ACK! Has it been two weeks since my last posting? I've been trying desperately to get my fingers on this keyboard for weeks now. You'd think that having kids in kindergarten and preschool would give me a little more time on the computer. Which would be true if I were to have spent said time on the computer and not passed out on the couch or baking cookies or sewing pillows. (I SEWED PILLOWS!)

These past few weeks I have admittedly been thouroughly enjoying my time spent with my girls. That said, dropping Ben off at kindergarten has become increasingly more difficult over the last few weeks. I wasn't one of those mom's who drove off on the first day of school tears streaming. i was one of those mom's who went home and had a nap. And seriously loved it!

Maybe this is a delayed reaction but I don't like the idea of some woman (who does actually seem very capable and nice) who I don't know from Adam to be have a large sphere of influence over my childs mind. While I'm not around! Not to mention the few hundred other snotty nosed kids running around the playground during recess and what filth may come out of their mouths. (For those of you reading this with children at GHE...I'm talking about the OTHER kids...NOT yours). Ben still seems so little and innocent. And I feel like that is being educated out of him. Like how he got introuble for peeing outside during recess. Up until now this has been completely acceptable behaviour. What preschooler doesn't pee outside? And now all of a sudden there are girls...brotherless ones...girls who have never seen penises....girls going home and telling their moms that they saw Ben's weiner at recess! This is such a serious matter that I got a talking to and we need to ensure that this "incident" doesn't happen again.

oh man!

It's like I missed the memo that's it's no longer okay for my kid to pee outside. When did it become NOT okay? I do understand and we will work on it. I'm sad that now I have to teach Ben about being approriate and private and not innocent. For his entire second year he pretty much walked around buck naked. So that fact that he has clothes on AT ALL is major progress people! I'd better start working on Megan now because she has taken to ditching the pants and squatting in the bushes at the playground too lately. It's really ladylike. She must've learned that from me....

Seriously though, it's time to spare the general public the sight of my kids nethereigions. It's for the greater good.

Don't worry....I'm putting together a lovely picture post for all that you've missed. Cuz, trust me, I know you're not here for my talented writing....


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Bring on the pictures. Although, I love your writing also. I think the daycare freaking out over Ben peeing outside is a little extreme. And I agree, it IS a loss of innocence. But hey, don't feel bad. I would consider it no big deal!!!

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Christy...can you tell me what kind of camera you have. You can email me at I'm thinking of buying another Canon camera - maybe a SLR - Rebel XT or XTi and I was thiking that might be what you have..but wasn't sure. I love your pics!!

Joyce said...

it's sad, but kinda funny too. especially having only two sisters and no brothers myself...i can totally imagine going home and telling my family that i saw a weiner too!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you're a great writer.
Ben can take a wiz on our orchard any time he feels like it.