Friday, November 09, 2007

Airing my dirty laundry. Or something like that.

There are times when my enthusiasm for housework is maybe a bit...lacklustre. As in I don't do it. There are people out there who love to clean and cook and bake and make me feel like I suck when I go to their houses and eat their food. I ,however, do these things cuz I have to. SOMETIMES I like to cook if I have people to impress other than three kids who never like what I make anyways. Like Thanksgiving dinner for instance.
There are a few household tasks that I really despise. So much so that I avoid them and then a week later it will come to bite me in the butt. Like the toilet. Ha ha.... It doesn't actually bite me in the butt but the things growing around the base of it just might. I would've taken a picture but then you might stop visiting here. Gross. The one thing I ALWAYS leave is laundry. I have no problems with washing and drying. In fact, I quite like it with my fancy schmancy front loaders. But, I detest, despise, loathe, hate folding it and putting it away. And thus we are left with....
THIS! Weeks worth of laundry waiting to be folded. It sat there all afternoon taunting me. Reminding how much I suck at housekeeping and how bad I am at leaving things until they're so overwhelming that it takes me four hours to do it all. So instead of folding it....
We played with it. Wheeeeeeeeee!
Can you see Dustin sweetly playing with Liv on the other side of the couch? Keeeeeeeeeeyooooote!

Finally at the end of the day when all the house was quiet and i had nothing better to do than sit and watch smutty Grey's Anatomy....I got it done. Dustin tried to help but I kept refolding everything cuz he was doing it wrong. Towels are folded in THIRDS Dustin. NOT HALF! M'kay? Beggers CAN be choosers with laundry folding.
What do you hate to do? In relevance to housework that is?


Roz said...

You don't suck!

i also hate folding laundry, AND cooking, AND ironing...actually, i don't iron, i just throw a sweater over my wrinkled button-down shirts.

Hmm, let's see, what else...i hate walking the dogs not that i actually hate walking them, but i hate the idea of having to leave my cozy house when i could just cuddle with the dogs in front of the tv instead!

I also hate putting away my clothes after i'm done wearing them. They all end up in a heap on my bedroom floor for an entire week when i feel bad for them getting all wrinkly and the ~gasp~ thought that i might actually have to iron them and i grudingly put them away...

Chelsey said...

my laundry pile is much higher than that! and its not all clean. its waiting for its turn in the washer. what a beautiful home you have! wow!

Allison said...

Oh my goodness! I am SOOOO glad I'm not the only one with extreme contempt for folding and putting away laundry! I also HATE it! I don't mind washing the clothing either - that really doesn't take a whole lot, as long as I remember to switch it from the washer to the dryer. But the folding - oh, the folding! How do I loathe the folding? Let me count the ways...

p.s. - I can't remember the last time there WEREN'T clean clothes under the window on my bedroom floor. The carpet down there hasn't seen light in MONTHS!!!

K said...

I actually dont mind the folding. I hate bathrooms!! WE have 5 in this house and NEVER again. I actually love to vaccuum. Maybe because it is the only thing that can drown out the noise in the rest of the house!

Your Emblem site is looking marvelous BTW.

Bird said...

Except, putting it away sucks too! But, the glass is half full!

Prue said...

I was about to blog about putting the washing away, but thought I would check your post first! Great minds! I hate dusting so much I NEVER do it. Which is fine for people with allergies as long as they don't stir it up!

Anonymous said...

I hate it all. But I am married to Mr. Clean, so I do it to make him happy.

And so that he'll have sex with me.

I think the sight of me cleaning does more for his libido than a piece of lingerie would.

Or at least it's an even tie. By cleaning at least I can be warm ;)

Ashley said...

I too hate laundry, I hate it enough I contemplated "Naked day", just to save laundry. It's one of the few jobs along with dishes that seems never ending. I don't mind vaccuming or bathrooms because they are a set amount of time and then finito. At least for a week.

Unknown said...

I'm okay with laundry, because I can do other things like watch TV while I do it to distract me. Vacuuming is my most hated chore. I think it stems from my teenage years, when I was forced to vacuum and lug the machine up and down the stairs.
At least you got it done, though. I'm going to have to try playing with my laundry one time, it looks like fun!!

free art is good art said...

yuck. i'm the same way!
right now haye's time-out (the playpen) is full full full of laundry.
well, no. it's full of sewing supplies at the moment (lol) but the only reason for that is derek's parents visiting and doing ALL my laundry.

Susie said...

My living room floor looked like that today too. i am the exact same way with laundry... i hate it. i also hate vaccuming and washing floors. actually all house work. and cooking is not really my strong suit. but ask me to scrapbook something and I am all over it.

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

DUSTING. i detest DUSTING. five minutes later, the danged dust is back, so why bother???

I'm a bit anal about my laundry foldin too - towels in thirds and they all musts be stacked the same way in the cabinet. They must look like the displays in the store. I'm just sayin..

reddirtroad said...

I've always hated dusting, but the swiffer dusters work pretty well so it's not so bad.

I actually like vacuuming, laundry and doing the dishes. It's a wonder I'm not scooped up by now.

One thing I don't like is cleaning toilets and their respective areas. But that's mostly because I sit down in order to pee and therefore have less risk of peeing all over everything, everywhere, all the time.

Anonymous said...

Bathrooms I like to clean, its a weird trait I have.

Kitchens I despise. They scare me more than gross toilets.

And I hate dusting ... its so laborsome ... there are so many tiny places filled with little gray particles. Its terrible, even with a swiffer!

Anonymous said...

Now that Matt only has one job and is home every night I have to say that somewhere in the last few years I've become a housework control freak. It's bizarre, I have trouble letting him do it because I like it done a certain way and I fear he'll mess it up. Isn't that stupid!! What's wrong with me!

Anonymous said...

Dusting, vacuuming and, like you, folding the neverending piles of laundry.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like housework , always have, especially now that I hve not much else to do. Can I do yours?

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me , your Mom. Who else would offer to do you housework eh? Anything to spend time with you guys, Love You!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm with you on the laundry. I hate the folding and putting away part too.

Cerulean Bill said...

Pardon the mess -- I live here.

Amanda Franks said...

I hate bathrooms and also could never post a picture because it's beyond disgusting. And what is this dusting people speak of....

Anonymous said...

hands down...dishes!!! They aren't really that bad and I have a dishwashwer...I just hate it!