On the very last semi-warm, or should I say, not totally freeze your buns off day this fall, my friend Karyn and I went out to take a few shots of her and her kids. They are wonderful kids, and a wonderful, loving, giving family. Full of fun energy and life. Our kids have found friends for life in those kids.
Karyn is an awesome photographer and I hope to be as good as her...someday. Being such, she knows exactly how to dress her family for a perfect shoot. Here's a small sampling of the many greats ones. The rest will go up on

again, great shots!
I love Liv's look in that last shot...
Ooh, it looks so cold. I speak from Sydney, where we never get snow. I am sure it would be freezing my buns off if I were there!
It appears from Olivia's expression that she is no longer excited about taking her picture. Either that or she's doing what babies do most!
You have a gift!
Helps that all of your subjects are so stunning too :)
LOVE that last one of Olivia :)
LOVE the picture of Olivia! Too cute - as always ;)
Holy gorgeous family! beautiful pictures as usual. You sure capture those moments so well.
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