Thursday, November 22, 2007

Family Fotoshoot-Holinaty's

On the very last semi-warm, or should I say, not totally freeze your buns off day this fall, my friend Karyn and I went out to take a few shots of her and her kids. They are wonderful kids, and a wonderful, loving, giving family. Full of fun energy and life. Our kids have found friends for life in those kids.
Karyn is an awesome photographer and I hope to be as good as her...someday. Being such, she knows exactly how to dress her family for a perfect shoot. Here's a small sampling of the many greats ones. The rest will go up on emblem.

Of course I couldn't resist putting up a couple of Liverator.


Chelsey said...

again, great shots!

Bloggy Mama said...

I love Liv's look in that last shot...

Prue said...

Ooh, it looks so cold. I speak from Sydney, where we never get snow. I am sure it would be freezing my buns off if I were there!

Montana said...

It appears from Olivia's expression that she is no longer excited about taking her picture. Either that or she's doing what babies do most!

Anonymous said...

You have a gift!

Helps that all of your subjects are so stunning too :)

LOVE that last one of Olivia :)

Dating said...

LOVE the picture of Olivia! Too cute - as always ;)

K said...

Holy gorgeous family! beautiful pictures as usual. You sure capture those moments so well.