Yesterday Dustin and I put up the last of the crown moulding on the kitchen cabinets and this is the finished result. It's amazing to me what a difference the little details make. Dustin thinks the little cabinet looks funny with the crown moulding and that it looks like it has a hat. I think it would look out of place if it didn't have it. I won. I've decided that as the house is completed I would clean the rooms that are finished and take pictures one at a time. Otherwise I would have to clean my entire house spotless.
no thanks.
I'd rather do it one at a time. It's rather decieving though. Looking at these pictures you'd think the house is entirely clean. If I turned around and photographed the living's another story.
Anyways...presenting our kitchen. Voila!

I looks AMAZING!
I need to come see it in person.
These photos alone will sell your house like THAT!
so friggin gorgeous!!! love the backsplash.
Wowza. You guys did an amazing job. So talented - both of you.
SO FREEKING AMAZING! I love love the backsplash and crown moulding. Your house is going to sell in an hour.
Beautiful! That crow moudling is perfect, and those floors *drools a little* gorgeous!!!
The floors are awesome, what kind of wood/stain are they?
It's beautiful!
I LOVE it. I'm going to remodel ours soon (hopefully), so I'll have to use yours as inspiration.
I LOVE your new kitchen. It looks like a show home.
It IS gorgeous!
LOVE...L....O....V.....E... the kitchen. So classy, the gorgeous dark wood, the mosaic...I think we are stealing that look for our kitchen. I love everything about your taste! Bravo, bravo bravo. Thank you for the inspiration as I am so trying to keep a great attitude with our renovation. Isn't it just like finally get your house all snazzied up and then you will hand it over ot someone else to enjoy.
holy mouth is watering for your kitchen!!! looks like martha stewart! frig, you're lucky!haha and look at all those cupboards!
AMAZING!!! and you are leaving your awesome house why????
for sure you will sell in no time!
It's my DREAM kitchen!! I love the crown-molding. It makes a tremendous difference--everything looks so finished!
Perfect balance of dark and light. Love it!
That is so purdy and I love it! How can you leave such a gorgeous kitchen?? You'll just have to make your new one just as nice =)
The kitchen looks great, and I was just catching up on reading your blog, good luck with your transition!
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