Without further adoo....february.....
Check out our new glass tile backsplash. ohhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhhh.
Working on the house does come with it's perks. (sorry honey I couldn't resist.... he never reads this anyways)
Olivia is starting to try and feed herself. But, it's more like playing with the spoon than actually feeding herself. Too cute to resist. Look at her tongue. LOOK AT IT!
it's cute. Stirrrrrrrr it.
Liiiiiiick it!
Look reeeeeeealy cute.
Piiiiiick at the container.
After making a huge mess. We stripped her down and let her and her pineapple head play in a bucket.


Then I felt bad and we cuddled for a while.
I'm not a complete monster.
Megan's best friend in the whole world comes over three times a week and the other day we made cookies. They are sooooooo cute. I have extreme guilt over having to make then say goodbye to each other. Mosty because her mother heaps said guilt onto my shoulders.
It will be very to sad to see them say good bye.

I will never tire of Olivia's hair!
Or Megan's for that matter :)
Great choice on the glass tile! Where will you be moving to?
Those pictures are just so darn cute!
I love those pictures and I love you guys. Backsplash - wow!!
Ok, the hair on those two girls is priceless. I love it!
Love the pineapple hair, so cute!
And I love the backsplash! Where and when are you guys moving?
Love the pineapple hair, so cute!
And I love the backsplash! Where and when are you guys moving?
Thanks for posting! I love you and your whole family. It saddens me greatly that you are moving so far away, which is funny because it's not like I ever see you. Waaaah!
If your house was here I would buy it. Except I couldn't afford it.
Miss you.
We'll have to have a face to face visit before you move.
Yay you blogged! I wish I could have helped you finish things up! And I wish I could go out there to see the house in all its finished glory! It just hit me that you have to leave that big beautiful house that Dustin built. BUT you get to come out here!!!! WAHOO! And I also love your girls AND their wacky hair. Pineapple head is the perfect description. Miss you!
P.S. Travis returned his plane, and is shopping for a new one. And wont. stop. talking. about it!
Before you move I say you come to Chilliwack for a visit and take some fabulous photos of our girlie. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.
Good to see a post from you! Good luck with your house readying and all...
Her hair is the best. Oh my word, that is hilarious. Just know gravity will eventually do it's dirty work and bring it down to look just plain ole boring along her head. That is such great character!
Guilt! Guilt! Stay! Stay! Would it be wrong to pray that you hate Alberta? J.K. We look forward to the visits, and the trips! :)
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