Thursday, April 17, 2008


Some reasons why I'm loving our new camera...

Again it helps to have the cutest baby in the whole world at my fingertips for optimal photo ops.

So, we're still living in wait over here. Living in limbo makes for a variety of feelings throughout the day. On the one hand I am LOVING seeing my husband all the time and doing more family oriented things, but on the other hand not having money come in and waiting for the sale of our house to be finalised is a bit trying. In many ways my heart is Already in Alberta with my family and cute new house waiting patiently for our arrival, but in many other ways my heart is not quite ready for the umbilical cord to be severed from Summerland. I'm taking my final days here, however long or short they may be, to fully enjoy that which I have loved most about living here. My many wonderful friends. I also get this feeling like we're still here for a reason. I have been learning a great many thing sabout myself over these last few months. Some of them good and some of them hard to accept. I would really like to use this time to allow God to shape me into a better woman. A woman who enjoys her children rather than deals with then day to day and a woman who is a reflection of her God and Saviour to her friends and those around her. I hate to look at things in the light of "when we get there then...", rather than "while we're still here we need to...". I've always struggled with living in the moment. Frankly, sometimes the moment you're in really really sucks. BUT, nobody says the moments coming up will be any better so I NEED to make the most of RIGHT NOW! So, I'm going to continue to enjoy this amazing place until we get to the next one.

Also, We've been practicing our panning techniques. It's pretty fun! There is also one of me but I choose not to post it because I look handicapped. Well, so does D here but what else is new? Plus I have the posting power so he just has to deal with it. What of it!?
Have a good weekend and wish us luck. We have a wedding to shoot and it's supposed to SNOW! What the heck! Did I mention this is an outdoor wedding?


Anonymous said...

As for me ,I can't wait till you get here. I feel bad for your friends who will be deprived of your wonderful company, But YAY ME!!!Chris, the stuggle to become the woman God intended is constant. I Feel so blessed that I get to watch the process, that I can visibly see the Spirit working in you. I love being your Mom!

Ashley said...

I love those photos, they are so neat and the kids look so happy. I'm sure everything for the wedding will go great this weekend! I know the bride and groom are getting anxious to have it over. Snow photos would be lovely too if there is some!

Susie said...

I love the swings pictures. I hope the waiting goes quick and slow all at the same time. Quick so you can get out of the waiting process, but slow so you can enjoy all your Summerland gals before you go. We are moving in a week.... yes a week.... and I haven't really even started packing. So I am not waiting just not motivated. My girlfriend called the other day to say she is giving us a send off and that's when it hit me that we are leaving this place. I am sad to be saying goodbye.

Heidi said...

Good luck shooting your first wedding. The snow thing worries me a little as we are venturing out for our first camping trip of the season in our new trailer. Thank goodness for furnaces.

Anonymous said...

Have SO MUCH FUN tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

oooohhh..snow photos..did it end up snowing, how did it come out? How did you guys do working together? I laughed out loud about the "handicapped" looking. Is that your politically correct way to say retarded? Olivia is ridiculously cute, her eyes photograph with such eyes trump brown in photos. Lucky dog.

Bloggy Mama said...

Can't wait to see the wonderful wedding moments you capture. Yay!
Miss you and think of you often.

Anonymous said...

hey Christy! Rachelle and I saw your house with aunty Nelly. It is super cute! LOVE the yard. It will be awesome having you guys in lethy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Christy!!! Great to meet you on the weekend! I am so glad that Garth and Jenny got you to do their wedding photos because I KNOW they will be happy. Both you and your dear man looked like you were both having so much fun at the wedding. Thanks for taking good care of them. I have so much to learn from you!!! You should come to chilliwack and give Take care ...all the best to you in your new ventures
Hugs and Prayers
Jackie (Ashley's Mom)

Joyce said...

the moment i am living in right now sucks too...

and lately i often feel sorry for myself...

i have to learn to be more appreciative...

day by day, i guess