I'm quite surprised at the lack of sibling rivalry in our house thus far. Not to say that Ben and Megan don't have thier moments of frustration and anger toward each other. Mostly over stolen toys or food. But for the most part, the two of them are very loving, gentle and sensitive towards eachother. They cry when the other gets disciplined, and try to comfort each other when hurt. They share when it suits them and freely offer thier affections to each other.
Just yesterday I retrieved Megan from her nap and Ben came bounding up the stairs after me. I put Megan down to witness the two of them hold thier arms open wide and welcome eachother in a fierce embrace. They held eachother tight stumbling about trying to gain thier footing. The cutest was Megan who has learned that a hug isn't complete with a joyous rendition of oohs and ahhs.
I wonder will they always get along or will the rivalry escalate as thier ages increase. For now I relish in the innocent love and affection they hold towards oneanother and I pray it never changes.
You are really lucky to have such beautiful loving children. I hope they're like that tonight for me
So cute. I finally got Travis to say "oo ahh" when we hug too. haha not that I'm comparing my 23 year old fiance to your baby girl, but.. you know. Travis and I "ooh aahh" on the phone for phone hugs. If you do it good enough, it feels like your actually getting hugged. I'm glad Megan and Ben have caught on.
Those kidlets of yours are just too darn cute. But with the two of you - I wouldn't expect any less. Was taking to a senior in our church, and he said he wished he had all his kids close together and at a young age, that way when they are in their 20-30's your still young enough to be friends with them. This is an aspect I never thought about before, but worth considering. Kids are such a blessing - I would have 10 if Ade was for it....
Love ya girl
Hi Christy - thought I would comment on your blog. Take it from me, the lack of sibling rivalry never has to end. They can be friends forever. That's been our experience and with parents like you guys, they will copy you and will remain "friendly" siblings. By the way, can you tell Dustin that he was awesome in the play. What a voice !!! Pam Borchert
Your kids are so cute. It is neat to see the love between siblings. Even with the 4 year difference with our girls, they take care of each other, and there is so much love, it is so natural and special.
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